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Blwyddyn Tri (3) 2024-2025

Croeso i Flwyddyn Tri

Teacher: Miss Powell

P.E. days - Monday and Wednesday (please come to school in P.E. kit)

Forest School - Friday afternoon, alternate weeks (Wk1)

Please click here for our Class Information Leaflet.

Class update

Autumn 2024


Prynhawn da. We have had a fantastic two weeks in Year 3 and have continued to explore our class text, 13 Storey Treehouse. In literacy, the children have investigated the features of a newspaper and used post it notes to explain their findings. Following the task the children presented confidently to everyone, on what they had found and why it was an important feature within the newspaper. Using the text as inspiration the children have combined animals to make their own magical creature. The children have planned their own newspaper report based on their imaginative character. The character will then be used over the next few weeks to develop the children’s story writing skills. In maths the children have explored number patterns and place value using the number square. They have used number jumps to find the pattern and then continue the sequence, the children enjoyed this so much they then challenged their friends by creating their own sequences of number. As part of the topic, Year 3 have looked at an old map of Trellech and designed their own version of the Trellech Coat of Arms. These were amazing and a lot of time and detail was added to create such a fantastic design. The children then worked in small groups to combine their ideas and create a coat of arms using Adobe Express. This was their first time using Adobe and I was very impressed with how well the children followed the instructions and completed the task successfully.  


Year 3 have had a fantastic return to school since the summer holidays and have come back with lots of enthusiasm and news, which has been lovely to share. During the first week the children completed handwriting and art for the Usk Show. Everyone produced superb pieces of work! This term the class will explore the topic ‘Love where you live’. The children have begun the topic by creating their own planning ideas, asking questions concerning what they would like to discover about Trellech and beyond. All their amazing questions will become an integral part of the learning moving forward. The children have investigated various maps, locating South Wales and the counties within their locality. During Commando Joe sessions, the children will follow an American journalist called Nellie Bly, who's travelled around the globe leading investigations and undercover reporting. Therefore, this week the children have used their problem solving and mapping skills to create a world map using a range of sports equipment. Year 3 has become extremely engaged in our new text, 13 Storey Treehouse. We have read the first three chapters, and the children have compared the main characters using a Venn diagram to sort adjectives.  The children have also been using their ICT skills to complete computer-based assessments. Here the children showed perseverance, and all completed the tasks feeling very proud of themselves. I am also very proud of their efforts too, da iawn Year 3!