Blwyddyn Un (1) 2024-2025
Croeso i Flwyddyn Un
Teacher: Mrs Cotton & Miss Whyte
P.E. days - Monday - Indoor PE and Thursday - Outdoor PE
Forest School - Wednesday afternoon, alternate weeks (Wk 2)
Please click here for our Class Information Leaflet.
Class update
Autumn 2024
Prynhawn da and welcome back to Autumn term 2. We ended the term with a wonderful Halloween themed disco with thanks to our fantastic PTFA, we danced and laughed and enjoyed time with our friends. In literacy we completed our recipe using time openers and then we made apple crumble following the instructions step by step. We measured the ingredients, peeled, chopped and took turn to stir before it was time to put it in the oven to cook. Once it was ready we all enjoyed a portion with our milk. It was delicious! All the classes were envious of the smell of the crumble cooking. We enjoyed our forest school session with Reception, it was finally not raining for the first time, and we managed to stay dry, we made patterns to celebrate Divali. It was nice to work with children in Reception. In maths we were working on describing and making whole and half turns using positional language, they enjoyed a variety of activities. As part of our RVE we learnt the story of Rama and Sita and made salt dough Diwali lamps to celebrate Diwali. The salt dough didn’t dry over the half term, so instead of painting and decorating them this week we used clay to re mould and create our diva lamps... take 2! In literacy this week we have been talking about fireworks and bonfires, the children planned and wrote a firework poem using onomatopoeia. They really enjoyed using onomatopoeia words. E.g. bang, pop, whizz. They also wrote their own bonfire night recipes using bossy verbs. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Prynhawn da, we have had a great fortnight in Y1, it has been a little wet and windy but we have made the best of it. We enjoyed a very wet walk to and from forest school, where we were creating portraits in the mud using natural resources. Some of us found an interesting ditch full of mud which we had fun making into a road and a bridge. In literacy we have been preparing and writing sentences about our new book ‘The three little pigs’ we are confident with using openers and connectives now including first, then, next, after, finally, and we even use because, and, so. We have been creating some harvest art to decorate the church on Friday and we have also drawn self-portraits independently. In maths we have been working on number bonds to 10, and extending to number bonds to 20. Most of us can now use + and = independently, we are working hard on our number formation and keeping our numbers in the squares. We are so grown up! In health and wellbeing we discussed our rights and responsibilities as a member of the class, we had a really good discussion with lots of thoughtful comments. We considered how we know that we belong and how it feels to belong. Quite difficult concepts when you are 5. We will move on with thinking about how we learn best as individuals and how we can help others to learn. In PE we have been working on our ball skills, using our feet and now this week using our arms and attempting the underarm throw... watch out!! A huge diolch to those of you that came to see our Harvest service at the church, we really enjoyed singing our song ‘Conkers’. Have a lovely weekend.
Wow! What a fantastic first few weeks back after summer term, the children have settled well and continued with their learning journey. This terms topic is Ble rwyt ti’n byw? Where do you live? With our class topic ‘Street detectives’. The children have enjoyed telling us about their house and have drawn it too. Diolch to those who have sent in a picture for our display. As part of our health and wellbeing learning the children have been describing where they feel special and safe, and their homes have featured a lot. We have enjoyed gardening with Mrs Cornish and the team, harvesting vegetables to sell and really enjoyed our sunny walk to forest school last week where we recalled the rules and created patterns in the mud, some of us even showed an understanding of composition by created a face to help us with our portrait work as part of our expressive arts. We have been working hard in RWI, recalling the sounds and reading new books. In literacy we have been retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, through story maps, discussion and shared writing. In PE we have been working on our ball skills stopping the ball with the inside of our foot and the ball of our foot and moving on to passing the ball (harder than it sounds...) In maths we have completed our Big Maths assessments, and we all worked really hard, we have been estimating to 20 and beyond. We all enjoyed creating an animal mask for the Usk show as well as our handwriting entries, perhaps we have a winning entry amongst us. We hope you have a lovely weekend.