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Blwyddyn Dau (2) 2024-2025

Croeso i Flwyddyn Dau

Teacher: Mr Green

P.E. days - Monday - Outdoor PE and Tuesday - Indoor PE

Forest School - Friday afternoon, alternate weeks (Week 1)

Please click here for our Class Information Leaflet.

Class update

Autumn 2024


Prynhawn da. It has been lovely to see the children settling down more to their tasks and becoming used to the new routines. During the last fortnight the children of year two have been learning a little about Greta Thunberg and her campaign for a more eco-friendly attitude towards our planet. They have listened to the story ‘Greta and the Giants’ and have begun to plan their version of it using a range of sentence openers in our literacy lessons. In numeracy, we have been recognising odd and even numbers; partitioning 2 and 3-digit numbers and adding and subtracting single digits from 2-digit numbers. We have been working on incidental Welsh language sentences such as ‘Beth yw d’enw di?’ ‘Ble rwyt ti’n byw?’ and ‘Faint ydy d’oed di?’.  In Humanities, we have looked at the similarities and differences between both poor and rich homes during Tudor times. In P.E lessons, the children have been circuit training with Mrs Fawcitt and learning how to hold and pass a rugby ball using the ‘Tick - Tock’ method. I have been impressed with their ball handling skills! In Art we have been creating beautiful pieces for Autumn/Harvest. We are starting to organise our class for block play, craft, reading and role play areas.  


Welcome back to/Croeso i nol i Trellech Primary. I hope you have all had a wonderful Summer despite the disappointing weather. We are certainly seeing an improvement of late though. The pupils have been getting used to different routines and to different members of staff, so this first few weeks have been about expectations, settling in and taking assessments for health and wellbeing, reading, spelling and numeracy. These will help us to identify both areas of strength and areas to work on. This term’s topic is ‘There’s no place like home’. We will be looking at types of homes and how they have changed since the Tudor period. The pupils will have the chance to make their own Tudor house as well as design an environmentally friendly home, thinking carefully about the types of energy needed and the materials for building. The pupils have really enjoyed making masks for the Usk Show. Aren’t they great? The children have been revisiting Welsh language patterns; partitioning two-, three- and four-digit numbers in numeracy; using the Creative Writer method to order a story and beginning to rewrite it using different sentence openers. In P.E we have been honing our throwing and catching skills in readiness for our rugby lessons.