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Blwyddyn Pedwar (4) 2024-2025

Croeso i Flwyddyn Pedwar

Teacher: Mrs Miles and Mrs Phillips

P.E. days - Wednesday and Friday (please come to school in P.E. kit)

Forest School - Wednesday afternoon, alternate weeks (Wk 1)

Please click here for our Class Information Leaflet.

Class update

Autumn 2024


Busy, busy, busy in Year 4 in the last two weeks. The children have used various materials to create some amazing Autumn Art, using the Zentangle technique. In Literacy, we have been identifying the language and text features of a diary to write an entry from the perspective of the boy in the picture book- Flotsam. We have also been looking at different emotions and using interesting adverbs to begin a sentence. Maths has seen a focus on finding differences and methods of addition, the children are really starting to show improved confidence in this area. Next up is time telling, so please have a look at analogue and digital time telling devices at home this weekend!  This week we have created an algorithm (a set of instructions), for a dance, which we then performed. We had great fun completing this together with keeping fit. We have made a good start to our new topic- Rivers and Mountains. The children have looked at various maps of the River Wye, identifying the source and mouth, together with different landmarks. In Forest School, we created Autumn decorations using natural materials which will enhance our classroom. The children are loving our Gardening Sessions where they have been able to harvest some of last Summer's produce. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the forth coming weeks with Mrs Cornish and her helpers. We have been recapping some French language this week, with a focus on greeting each other and saying goodbye. All the children sang beautifully at St Nicholas Church, we were very proud! Thank you for your support.  Have a lovely weekend.  


What a lovely, sunny start to a new and exciting term. (We will forget about the weather in the 1st week). We hope you have had a lovely break from school routines and your family has had a chance to recharge their batteries. The children have settled in brilliantly and are adapting to new routines and expectations very well 😊. Our topic this term is- Rivers and Mountains. Initially, we will be focusing on our local rivers- River Usk, Wye, Monnow and Severn. We have been finding out about the Water cycle and how water constantly moves. Some of the concepts are quite tricky, so we created a storm in a jar to illustrate how clouds collect water before releasing the droplets as rain. During our first Forest School this term, we worked together in small teams in a race to construct a bridge and travel along without falling into a swamp. There was lots of collaboration and teamwork to achieve the result. Last week in Literacy, we focused on grammar and punctuation before commencing our class text- Flotsam. This week we have looked carefully at this beautifully illustrated book to show how the pictures show meaning. (Carefully looking for the clues). The children then created character descriptions using interesting sentence openers. We have started to create some Doodle Art. This is a form of meditative drawing that involves creating repetitive, structured patterns in a deliberate, focused way. Not only is it fun and relaxing, but it also has many therapeutic benefits. It helps to reduce stress, improves focus and concentration, and promotes feelings of calm and well-being. Just a reminder that home learning is uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday, including spellings. Thank you for your support.